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All first names beginning with F, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. F. (1) 2. Fannie (22) 3. Fanny (9) 4. Fay (1) 5. Faye (2) 6. Faylene (1) 7. Felecia (1) 8. Ferdinand (1) 9. Ferne (2) 10. Feroline (1) |
11. Fidelia (2) 12. Fisher (1) 13. Flavilla (1) 14. Flint (1) 15. Flora (24) 16. Florena (1) 17. Florence (32) 18. Florentine (1) 19. Florice (2) 20. Floriston (1) |
21. Flottie (1) 22. Floyd (9) 23. Fordyce (1) 24. Forest (4) 25. Forestina (1) 26. Forman (2) 27. Forrest (4) 28. Foster (1) 29. Fostina (1) 30. Francena (1) |
31. Frances (23) 32. Francina (1) 33. Francis (25) 34. Frank (83) 35. Frankie (1) 36. Franklin (20) 37. Fred (58) 38. Freda (2) 39. Freddie (1) 40. Frederic (3) |
41. Frederick (31) 42. Freeland (4) 43. Freelove (3) 44. Freeman (6) 45. Freemont (1) 46. Fremont (1) 47. Fuller (2) |